Discovering El Pilar

El Pilar has set a new stage for ecotourism in which several thousand intrepid visitors a year are experiencing the novelty of the site. Touring El Pilar, one can explore beautiful Maya architecture comfortably shaded beneath the luxuriant forest canopy, home to a rich variety of Maya flora and fauna. Landscaping views of the temples and plazas as well as reconstructed Maya houses in their forest-gardens draw the visitor into the scene and evoke the imagination.

The programs at El Pilar promote education and training workshops, lectures and tours, and encourage participation in archaeological research. Further, the programs have hosted events, such as the Fiesta El Pilar, that have elevated the visibility of El Pilar on the global front, providing a catalyst for community participation in tourism development. Participants in these events are electrified and leave to promote the El Pilar vision in their communities.